
3019. When You Don’t Try

Good morning, it is Saturday morning, time to practice. Let go of everything, relax. Now we practice.

Nam Mo Shakyamuni. Together we pray. May all the Buddhas from the ten directions bless us. May all of the sentient beings be free of suffering, peace to the universe. Let’s put your right hand on top of your left hand. Just relax. Be mindful with your breathing techniques. Breath in and out and be mindful with that. Be aware, be alert. Be fully awake by following your breath. Nothing else that we should think about, but just be with the breath. Naturally, breathe in and outwatching this. Mindful with Now here with yourself. Fill with all your tensions and relax. Cultivation is really important for us to reactivate ourselves to make a connection with Buddha. Through compassion wisdom, and awakened mind. Just watching from the top of your head down to the tip of your toes, watching your entire body. Remember, our meditation is working with the energy within and the energy from the Buddha and the universe. Healing meditation that is what we are doing.

We practice to heal ourselves to live peaceful, happy, and transform all our suffering and clean up our attachment, open up our mind. and welcome all to our life. With love, care, and forgiveness.

When we practice together, especially with me every Saturday, all of us will receive a greater energy from all Buddhas, the compassion, wisdom and awakened energy from the Buddha will transmit to us. The transformation will begin, and the healing will be possessing Just allow ourselves to transform it naturally. We are going to start to do the breathing techniques and chanting the mantra.

For those who have just come today, we chant three mantras. Mu A Mu Sa, means compassion, Na Mo Ta Mo Ta Mo Da Ra Houng, means wisdom, wisdom of seeing through the impermanence, suffering and no I. Ma Sa Op Ue means awakened. Together with the breathing techniques of mindfulness and chanting the mantra. There is the energy which will transmit into our body physically, mentally and spiritually creating the vibration which vibrates within. We are all filled with that. Let it be and let it flow.

Breathe in, expanding our bellies, hold it there for three seconds, concentrate on the heaven gate point which is right in front of the tail bone, the ending bone,  breathe out, sunken the belly, chanting the mantras and receiving the energy. Also thinking about all of our loved ones, parents, brothers, sisters, husband, children, wife, community, friends, sangha, offer our energy to all.

Mu A Mu Sa, Na Mo Ta Mo Ta Mo Da Ra Houng, Ma Sa Op Ue. (7x)

Just relax. What we are talking about today is “when you don’t try” we all grow up in our families, communities, or where you live. For many years we go to school, educate ourselves through many different educational forms from culture and society. We get used to and very had for us to try new things. We attach to what we think is the best. We reject what is better because we don’t ever try. Fear, it keeps us away from all the good things.

When we try to practice something first feeling that we most reject it. Because we are in too big a hurry. We don’t have enough information, or we don’t have the right friend to teach us or guide us or just because we hold on so long for what we love. Many reasons. To purify our lives, and to not let the negative energy take over our life Buddha says we need to stand up for ourselves and take on the practice every day. Lets give yourself a try to be a better person by purifying the negative energy so we can live better. We all have a better way, better plan for ourselves, but to transform our suffering we should know what is the source of our suffering. Buddha says, attachment. Knowing all phenomena is impermanent, and practicing meditation day in and day out, mindful and watch carefully investigate, we will know, yes, nothing is permanent at all, therefore, we detach and wee set ourselves free to be. WE realize our capacity is bigger than what we think that we can handle all, just like the universe. Lets try with our meditation the healing meditation by taking on the practice, but not just get back to the track of what you have been working on for so long. We all should know, what we think that makes us to be a voice all the negative thoughts about yourself, and about others always nursing, taking care for the positive thought and energy to grow. To activate and for us to live with Don’t let just care about our own selves. And do everything just for us and not for others. That is very selfish. There is no fear there is no doubt about others, but fear and doubt from our own self that explodes and blows up our lives.

When we are chanting Mu A Mu Sa, we are allowing ourselves to be one with all the Buddhas, even though we are human, we make a lot of mistakes, we create a lot of bad Karma, but protect ourselves to be with the Buddha we receive better energy to transform. Take on the practice of meditation.  It is a special care that we know that we should do.  Don’t let your sensation, your feelings, whatever is from outside leading and misleading us far away from ourself. All things are impermanent, come and go. Being with the mindfulness breathing techniques and keep ourselves in touch with Mu A Mu Sa, Na Mo Ta Mo Ta Mo Da Ra Houng, and Ma Sa Op Ue.  We all will maintain our positive energy every second of our life.

Life is very short. But within a very short second of breathing in and out, chanting the very powerful mantra. That empowerment ourself for everlasting. So we can break through our own habits. To recreate the new path, the compassion path, the path of the Buddha, of the enlightened one. The path for us to walk us to be peaceful. It is ok for other thought to comes, but it is not ok for other thoughts to burn up ourselves.  Other thoughts are just part of our lives. Our lives are more than just the thoughts.  Let’s give yourself a drive. To make a life better. Better free of all the suffering you create by yourself. Don’t let other people create suffering for you. Don’t let other people take away your sincerity. Your good deeds. Your love, your forgiveness and your care. Care for yourself, means care for all. Care for others means care for yourself. I am always here for you. Calling you to practice with me every Saturday, and also every day on your own, or meeting us at the Frederick headquarters. You could call 301-792-1095 or just come right to the temple to meet us.

Practice is the most important thing to transform. No one can do it except yourself. The Fall is coming. The green leaves will turn yellow and fall. While we are still strong and clear, let’s transform it. Don’t wait because when the fall comes, the leaves will fall. When time goes by we all getting weak. Take the right action by practicing mediation and taking care of yourself to be happy. Give yourself a try. When you don’t try you cut off your life short. When you try a meditation from the Buddhas teaching, the healing meditation, working with the energy you make your life much better within every second. There is not need for a very long life, but need a peaceful life.

Let’s return back to the meditation breathing techniques and at this moment we offer our energy to all our loved ones, especially our parents, brothers, sisters, family, community. May all of them receive a greater energy from the Buddha to be healthier, and all the sickness to be transformed, for their mind to be clear and to know a better way of taking care of our lives.

Breathe in, expanding our belly, hold it there for three seconds, concentrate on the heaven gate point, breathe out, sunken our belly, chanting the mantra, and receiving the energy offer to all:

Mu A Mu Sa, Na Mo Ta Mo Ta Mo Da Ra Houng, Ma Sa Op Ue (7x)

Thank you for practicing with me. Have a good weekend and enjoy your meditation practice. Once again thank you for practicing with us.



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