
2026. Positive Thought | Mantra#2 – NamMo TaMo TaMo DaRaHoang

Good morning. Today is Saturday. We are practicing meditation together for a reason to purify our energy to be ready for every day that we live in a positive thought which benefits all people. Especially for health. Mental and spiritual health. Let’s begin by sitting down wherever you can. Keep your body loose and relax.

Nam Mo Shakyamuni  

Mu a Mu Sa. Nam Mo Ta Mo Ta Mo Da Ra Houng

May all be blessed, live happy, healthy and may all be no longer suffer and receive compassion and wisdom energy from all Buddhas from the ten directions.

Let’s put the right hand, the wisdom hand, on top of the left hand, the compassion hand. Just relax. For those that this is your first day, a beginner, there is not difference between the beginner or one who has been already practicing because the way we practice is to engage, to activate, to cultivate with all Buddhas as long as the moment we welcome ourselves back to return to be in touch with all Buddhas. That is the new beginning. We don’t focus but we are there to be with the energy which is connecting with us from all Buddhas.  With mindfulness breathing techniques in and out and reciting the two mantras: The compassion mantra Mu A Mu Sa and the wisdom mantra Na Mo Ta Mo Ta Mo Da Ra Houng. It helps all of us connecting with all the Buddhas and receive a great compassion and wisdom energy. Every one of us when we practice physically, mentally, and spiritually. The energy will flow within for us to have a special experience and allow that energy to transform. It is very natural. You don’t have to produce those energy by doing anything. You don’t have to create that energy by doing anything. The only way we return back to who and how we are and receive with the very humble mind. So let’s be humble and just welcome ourself back to the special original how we came on earth. To receive the energy with no attachment. 

When you breathe in through your nose. You carry it down to your lower body, and you are expanding your belly. This is very important to keep your body in good health. There is one point we focus on, just keep your mind there. We call it the heaven gate point. The gate to transform a good energy through your backbone physically to activate your entire bodies energy to benefit your health that heaven gate point is located right in front of the tail bone, the ending bone. Then you breathe out sunken your belly at the same time chanting the compassion mantra. After that you repeat the cycle of the breathing technique and reciting the wisdom mantra. While you are doing that there is some energy flowing within your body. You just observe it. Listen to the energy and watching the energy flow. Let’s do it.

Make sure you relax. We all are thinking about our loved ones, family, friends, offer our merit energy to all. May all those who still suffer, no longer suffer and be healed. Breathe in, expanding your belly. Hold it there for three seconds, concentrate on the heaven gate point. Breathe out, sunken your belly, and chanting the mantra.

Mu A Mu Sa. Nam Mo Ta Mo Ta Mo Da Ra Houng (7x)

You just keep meditating and be silent. Breathing in and breathing out. With the two mantras we are chanting every time with the circle of breathing techniques. It really cultivates. There is a special cultivation very naturally activate for us to receive a very good energy. Every day, and every single minute, second of our life we need to have and maintain the best positive energy to survive, to live happily. In life we need to learn how to manage our life. That is how we practice, that is how we learn every day to be taking care of. In Buddhism we have be taught and learn how to take care of ourself through meditation to maintain the energy flow in a very peaceful and transformative way. Transforming all negative energy within to purify and then flow the positive energy for us to be peaceful. One of the most important things Buddha taught with positive thoughts leads us to the higher level of living. Higher level of living does not mean that you are going to have a super power to convert whatsoever you want, but higher level of living is to have a positive energy through positive thought. To transform our sadness, our anger, for us to live in a different way. As a human naturally there are many thoughts arise every second those thoughts just naturally come in and out come and go. Some thoughts help us to be very happy. Some thoughts make us very sad and angry. When we are angry and sad it makes ourselves feel bad, and our health not healthy. Makes us sick, makes us weak. Make us don’t know what to do. We have a choice is what Buddha says. You can choose a good way of living, or rather just live whatsoever. Make the choice is the right thing for us to do. The Right choice is leading life. But you know the positive thought and the negative thought just come very naturally. It is very easy for us to say we should be positive, but the question is how do we maintain the positive thought. There are so many techniques, teaching do this, do that, concentrate, receive help from the Master, supreme master. For you, or ourself to be positive. But Buddha found out the truth of the Buddha nature is already positive, good and pure. As long as we be with the Buddha nature within the positive thoughts will arise the negative thoughts will be transformed. This is ok for us to experience moments or hours in life about the negative thoughts come to us. Buddha says make sure you treat all the thought that arise as friends, positive or negative, just like a friend there is no judgement. There is no goood no bad there is no negative no positive. But it is very hard for us to maintain nonattachment. Because we have grown up with well educated that we make a good choice by being with what we want and reject or push away what we don’t want. Now let go of the thought a little bit. Just be with the nature within us and be with the mantra Mu A Mu Sa we call compassion. When we connect with the Buddha and receive the compassion from all the Buddhas the energy of Mu A Mu Sa that vibrates within our body when we are breathing in and out naturally transforms all energy that positive and negative into a very pure energy for us to be used to maintain our positive thought for health.  To be able to engage deeply and connect with the compassion energy of Mu A Mu Sa they all have a very peaceful and happy life. So no matter whatever comes or goes they are always happy. The question what do you do to maintain the positive thought, the answer is you don’t have to DO anything, just need to be with the Buddha nature through the mantra Mu A Mu Sa and also through the mantra Na Mo Ta Mo Ta Mo Da Ra Houng. The wisdom mantra. We humble ourself. We receive the wisdom, the light of the wisdom that is lighting up for us to be able to see through. That creates a very good energy for all the positive converts and transforms to positive naturally. It is very wonderful. The two mantras combined with the breathing techniques really activates your entire energy. When you are thinking about your loved one like your parents, family or friends, automatically we reconnect with them like a network and our energy is going to flow within them to benefit for all. So Positive thoughts leading to a good life happy life, healthy life, in order to have a positive thought there is nothing to do, but there is a thing to be with Mu A Mu Sa. Be with Nam Mo Ta Mo Ta Mo Da Ra Houng. Just means to be with the compassion and wisdom from all Buddhas from the ten directions connect directly with you. That is why I am practicing every day, and every Saturday we get together to practice. Not to just hope, but reality is to make it happen. No by worship, no by doing anything, but to be with who and how we are. If you love taking care of your health, if you love taking care of your life, if you love to care about your loved ones and family in a positive way which activates your compassion and wisdom. To connect with all Buddhas in ten directions this is what you should practice with me. If you give yourself a chance to practice. There is a great chance for you to fill with the energy that flows with. There is no cost. But it is just be with the time for you to be honest with yourself and humbly receive. Positive thought, there is nothing to do to create it, but there is the way to be with, to receive to activate, to be. Through Mu A Mu Sa  compassion energy and the wisdom Nam Mo Ta Mo Ta Mo Da Ra Houng. When you breathe in you are bringing the energy to the lower part of your body expanding your belly, you hold it there for three seconds and it is like fire ball down there, it is moving, it is generating and flowing around your body. It is very warm, hot heat, very healthy.  When you are breathing out you sunken your belly, you allow the energy to flow in a very soft way chanting Mu A Mu Sa to receive compassion with the heating up of your body you start to feel the bright light that is coming up, the vibration is moving and physically you feel there is energy moving around you. Just recognize it. There is nothing to do but just watch it flow. If any thought that makes you feel sad or angry raise up in that moment you just watch that thought. The energy is going to flow within that thought and transform it. If you have any part of your body that is in pain you focus there. The energy will move there and transform it. The healing will start. It is very healthy.

Every Saturday we practice to receive and to offer our energy to all. While we do it make sure you quiet your mind and just be there and welcome yourself back and receive the energy. Always thinking about your loved ones while you are doing that for them to receive the energy too even though they don’t practice. 

Let’s do the breathing technique again.

Together, may Buddha bless all, and may Buddha connect us together to return back to the truth. May all of us be honest and humble to receive the compassion and the wisdom from all Buddhas.  May all our loved ones no longer suffer by any means. May all the sentient beings be free of suffering.

Breathe in, expanding your belly, hold it there for three seconds, concentrate on the heaven gate point, breathe out, sunken your belly, chanting the mantras:

Mu A Mu Sa. Nam Mo Ta Mo Ta Mo Da Ra Houng (7x)

Dear all my friends, we are practicing meditation to activate our compassion and wisdom energy to transform all to be positive therefore our thoughts will always be positive to be helpful, useful, to be happy and healthy.

About Buddhism you can go to google to research there are so many sutras available. But in order for you to get to know about me, our temple, our method, look on the screen there is the website That  It can be translated into multiple languages by google, like English, Spanish, French, Chinese or Vietnamese. We all know google translate is only about 80 % correct. But you will be able to understand a little. If you want to know more about us just go to the website on the screen. We are very happy to be with you if you text or email us or visit us at any of the temples especially in Frederick, Maryland, we welcome you all. Remember we practice to be healthy to live in a healthy way. Positive thoughts is good for all. In very short time of 30 minutes every Saturday I ask you to join with me to practice and it benefits for the whole week because the energy is very good. If you care about your life, your health and others. Meditation every Saturday morning is good for all. We start at 8:00 am eastern time. Please join with us. 

Once again thank you so much for being with us. Have a great weekend and enjoy your life.



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